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Mission Vision and Values


To make a positive difference for individuals, families and the communities we serve, by providing coordinated information and processes to facilitate access to inclusive services and support collaborative community planning.


A community where every individual and family feels respected, valued, and supported, and is able to reach their full potential.


Everything we do is guided by a person and family first philosophy.

We believe in and are committed to the following core values:

Client and Family Centred

Client and Family Centred

Individuals and families are central to our work

Personal Development

We believe people are individuals, each with unique strengths, needs, feelings and thoughts. We will

  • Work with each person and family towards the achievement of individual and collective goals
  • Work and act in partnership with individuals and families, and our shared communities
Personal Development
Integrity, Accountability Trust and Transparency

Integrity, Accountability
Trust and Transparency

Committed to service excellence, our values will be evident in all we do. We will

  • Engage children, youth and families
  • Be open, honest, respectful and objective
  • Seek input and welcome advice Make decisions fairly and responsibly
  • Be guided by what we learn through innovation and creativity


Recognizing and valuing the importance of partnerships, alliances and collaborative effort, we will

  • Ensure timely, flexible and appropriate responses
  • Value the diversity of our communities and individuals
  • Honour the privacy and dignity of others
Call us to speak to a Resource
Coordinator at 905-684-3407
TTY at 905-684-6289
Or use the button below

Online Request Form