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Intake Process


Anyone can contact us directly, including family members, school personnel, physicians, or community agencies. A physician’s referral is not required to initiate a referral to services. Individuals calling Contact Niagara to seek information and / or a referral will speak with a Resource Coordinator. The Resource Coordinator will ask for a brief description of the situation. If it is determined that a referral to one of our Service Partners, listed below, is required, a formal intake appointment will be scheduled. In partnership with the Niagara Regional Police Services, Contact Niagara also completes referrals for youth, who would otherwise be charged with a criminal offence, to programs available to them. Contact Niagara also serves to register individuals into some children’s community services.


intake interview

The intake interview is usually completed over the phone and takes
approximately 30- to 40 minutes. Intake can also be arranged at the Contact
Niagara office, various community agencies or in your home if necessary.


Registrations into some community programs require very little
information, and may only take a few minutes to complete with individuals


The intake interview involves documenting the current situation, service
providers who are / have been involved, and resources being sought to
address it.

Call us to speak to a Resource
Coordinator at 905-684-3407
TTY at 905-684-6289
Or use the button below

Online Request Form