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We are working to make our agency more accessible to persons with disabilities. Staff have received awareness training under the Customer Service Standard, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and Contact Niagara has implemented various means to ensure we are accessible to everyone.

Contact Niagara has developed a Customer Service Standard policy regarding AODA. If you would like a copy of this, please communicate with Contact Niagara in a format that works for you. We will provide this policy in alternate formats upon request.


If there is a temporary disruption to our service, the following will apply

Please call 905-684-3407 or use TTY to report a problem with access to our building or surrounding area.

If Contact Niagara is aware of the disruption affecting access to our building, we will ensure that appropriate signage is placed at our agency and we will do our best to reach individuals who have scheduled appointments in our office. Another option will be offered, if possible, in order to minimize disruption.

Service disruption information will be provided on our website, an outgoing TTY message, voicemail messages and automated email responses.

Contact Niagara welcomes feedback from individuals about our accessibility. 

Call us to speak to a Resource
Coordinator at 905-684-3407
TTY at 905-684-6289
Or use the button below

Online Request Form